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WARNING: This product contains tobacco free nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive substance.

WARNING: This product contains tobacco free nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive substance.

Does nicotine make you poop?

Posted on August 29 2021

Does nicotine make you poop?

There is not a definitive answer to whether nicotine makes you poop; however, many people find that they do have to poop after using nicotine products. This may be because of the fact that nicotine is a stimulant, and it can act as a stimulant laxative. This means that it can influence muscle contractions in the bowels, forcing stool through and out of the colon. There isn’t specific research on this topic, however, as mentioned above, many people find that cigarettes speed up the process and make them poop. 


Why oral nicotine is the best form of nicotine for pooping?

If you are looking for something with a laxative effect and you also enjoy using nicotine products, oral nicotine is perfect for you.


Won’t tip off smoke detectors

First, oral nicotine won’t tip off smoke detectors. Whether you are at work, a restaurant, or even on an airplane, you can easily get your nicotine, potentially along with a bathroom break soon after, without worrying about making a scene with the smell and smoke of cigarettes.


Cleanliest (Hands Free)

Oral nicotine is also the cleanliest and easiest form of nicotine to get you pooping. You don’t have to throw out and waste your cigarette if the urge to poop suddenly arises. Also, you don’t want to be dealing with your cigarette or vape in the bathroom while doing your business. That can lead to a whole bunch of unhygienic problems. Oral nicotine is hands free and if you desire, not that we particularly recommend this, you can even use it while you go. You are free to scroll on your phone and clean up when it’s time, while still getting your nicotine.


Steady Buzz

Because oral nicotine involves pretty much zero work on the part of the consumer, you get a steady buzz. The nicotine products release nicotine straight into your mouth’s mucous membranes and this occurs at a fairly steady pace. You can’t really say the same for nicotine that you inhale because it’s up to the user to decide when to inhale and therefore how much nicotine is getting into their system.

What exactly is oral nicotine?

Oral nicotine is pretty much exactly what it sounds like, which is nicotine that you ingest orally, or in other words, through the mouth. Our mouths have mucous membranes that can absorb nicotine. This is different to how many people generally absorb nicotine through smoking.

When smoking, the nicotine is absorbed into the air sacs of the lungs. When nicotine is absorbed, it enters the bloodstream where it can travel throughout the body and up to the brain. This is where it activates receptors that work to give you the adrenaline kick that many people associate with nicotine.

People use oral nicotine rather than the more traditional cigarette for several reasons. Some people may not enjoy the smoke and attention that smoking brings. Others may have underlying lung issues and want to opt for something that doesn’t directly go to the lungs. Some people just might not like the taste and smell of cigarettes. For all these cases, oral nicotine is a nice alternative way to ingest nicotine.


Types of oral nicotine?

For those that prefer to ingest their nicotine without smoking, there are several types of oral nicotine. Types of oral nicotine include nicotine gum, lozenges, and pouches. You can also use chewing tobacco to get nicotine orally, however, this method obviously contains tobacco as opposed to the other tobacco-less methods mentioned before.

Nicotine gum is often used to aid people in their attempts to quit smoking or quit tobacco use overall. It is a portable and convenient way to get nicotine into one’s system with the intention of reducing nicotine doses over time until you crave it less. It is very simple to use because you chew it just as you would regular chewing gum. One thing about nicotine gum is that it is designed to be a replacement therapy option, so it may not be something you want to continue long term.

Nicotine lozenges are another form of oral nicotine that are used to help people quit smoking. You don’t chew or suck on them, but rather place them in your mouth until they dissolve completely. This smoking replacement, like nicotine gum, is supposed to reduce your cravings for nicotine and tobacco. Also like nicotine gum, doctors suggest that the use of this product is reduced over time, to completely wean you off of nicotine altogether.

Nicotine pouches are unique compared to the previous two oral nicotine methods because they aren’t for people particularly looking to quit smoking or quit using nicotine. Nicotine pouches are for people who enjoy nicotine and the pleasurable sensations it brings, but don’t want to smoke it or maybe just don’t want to use tobacco. Nicotine pouches can come in a variety of flavors and they are easy to use. You place them between the gums and cheek and let them release their nicotine. Rush’s nicotine pouches are tobacco-free, encased in biodegradable plant-fibers, and come in four delicious flavors. They are easy to dispose of and a convenient way to get a kick.


Other substances known to make you poop


As mentioned above, stimulants tend to make you have to poop. Another stimulant that many people use daily is caffeine, particularly in coffee. Coffee is widely known for causing people to poop. It works similarly to nicotine in making the bowels contract and forcing stool out. Along with this, coffee encourages digestion because it increases a hormone called gastrin, which promotes digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid to heighten.



Many teas can also have laxative effects. Of course, some teas have caffeine, so they act in the same way as coffee does. On top of this, many of the herbs in teas have properties that help digestion and soothing stomach pains. For example, dandelion tea helps produce more bile from the liver. Ginger improves digestion and settles irritated stomachs. Chamomile can calm intestinal muscles and prompt better digestion.


Warm water

Warm water helps you poop in two ways. Firstly, it hydrates you, which is super important to avoiding constipation. Secondly, the warm temperature of the water stimulates blood flow and gastrointestinal movement.


Prune Juice

Lastly, prune juice, especially with pulp, can most definitely make you poop. Prune juice is high in sorbitol and fiber. While sorbitol keeps your intestines lubricated, the fiber forms the stool itself. These two properties work together to keep you regular.